My only goal growing up was to have as many experiences as possible during my time in life.
24 years have passed and looking back, what I experienced in my adolescence, the experiences I had, the trips I took, the bad things I went through, I would have liked someone to have told me some things...
If I could sit down with my younger self, I would love to tell him everything I have learned about the world and the things I wish I had known or learned with more time. Here I leave them:
Take the time to get to know yourself
Knowing yourself is the most important thing to have a great life, full of experiences that make you feel good.
Enjoy every moment, because you will never get it back
To be honest, I think life as an adult is much better, but you don't have to stop enjoying every moment of your life.
Life is today, it is the time to enjoy, meet people and have fun.
We all have defects
Be good to yourself
If you don't love and take care of yourself, why should others?
I spent a lot of my teenage years at war with myself; struggling to love and appreciate my body, my skin and my quirks. Most days, I wished I could look like someone else. I had low self-esteem and self-confidence.
It breaks my heart a little to think about how much my younger self struggled to be kind to herself. When I understood how to accept myself as I am, I began to see life in different colors. I started to make myself much happier.
Start showing yourself love and compassion, because you deserve it.
Don't be in a hurry to have life resolved
If you're not where you expected to be now, that's okay. There is no deadline to travel the path of your soul and make all your dreams come true.
Of course, we want to get there as quickly as possible, to feel successful and like we've "made it." But there is no rush. You have your whole life.
Forget about what others do. Focus on yourself and your path. Because nothing else matters. And life is not a competition or a race.
Dedicate yourself to doing all the things you love!